Memele zilei 28 Februarie 2018

Ion Iliescu: Comunismul încuraja veganismul
Ion Iliescu: Comunismul încuraja veganismul
This certificate is hereby presented to Moise Guran and is to be accepted as official documentation for lifelong membership status in the Illuminati and to represent unwavering dedication to the Plan of Illumination
This certificate is hereby presented to Moise Guran and is to be accepted as official documentation for lifelong membership status in the Illuminati and to represent unwavering dedication to the Plan of Illumination
Donald Trump: Build that subway!
Donald Trump: Build that subway!
Mufasa către Simba: Ia-ți gândul de la Pilonul II
Mufasa către Simba: Ia-ți gândul de la Pilonul II
Iarna nu-i ca vara
Iarna nu-i ca vara


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