Memele zilei 26 Martie 2018

Facebook police. He used the expression "all right". Give him 30 days
Facebook police. He used the expression "all right". Give him 30 days
Altceva decât CV-ul? Neoliberalismul e darwinism social. Welcome aboard! Universitate
Altceva decât CV-ul? Neoliberalismul e darwinism social. Welcome aboard! Universitate
Socialism. How we're told it works. What actually happens
Socialism. How we’re told it works. What actually happens
Jordan Peterson: Miturile pot avea o dimensiune normativă. Cathy Newman: Susțineți așadar că pământul este plat
Jordan Peterson: Miturile pot avea o dimensiune normativă. Cathy Newman: Susțineți așadar că pământul este plat
Any Doctor here? I'm a doctor! What's going on? A heart attack!!!. I'm a Doctor in Macroeconomics. He is going to die!!! This will increase GDP/capita
Any Doctor here? I’m a doctor! What’s going on? A heart attack!!!. I’m a Doctor in Macroeconomics. He is going to die!!! This will increase GDP/capita


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